The White House I mentioned this to my Facebook friends and Twitter followers, so I might as well be wrong in as many public venues as possible. ... [Continue]
Remembering LCPL Randy Clark (1964-1983), Photo by Kevin Featherly Eau Claire, Wis. Sept, 22, 1983 — Randy’s dead. Does anybody know why ... [Continue]
Mitt Romney I generally avoid Matt Taibbi’s snark-and-snarl brand of populist journalism, preferring a bit more reason and substance. But I ... [Continue]
Yet another new MVUUF video. This one discusses the legacy of 19th Century Unitarian minister Theodore Parker, a widely influential figure in his ... [Continue]
Thomas Mann and Norm Ornstein, photo by Kevin Featherly I attended a presentation Monday by Thomas Mann and Norm Ornstein, the authors of a crucial ... [Continue]
Mike Wallace Just learned that the great Mike Wallace has died. My mind instantly flashed on my one encounter with Wallace, in 1996. Wallace was in ... [Continue]
Mitt Romney So, is the issue that so few Americans pay any attention at all to the news that a top presidential campaign adviser—in this case Eric ... [Continue]
Today brought a heart-rending statement from George Packer, one of our great American writers. From today’s New Yorker online: “If things ... [Continue]