Scenes from a Government Shutdown

Around 750 state workers gathered on the Capitol steps last night in a vigil aimed at keeping the state government operating.

The rally began at 9 p.m., by which time talks between Gov. Mark Dayton and Republican legislative leaders had already broken down. They failed to reach an agreement that would keep the lights on, and the state government was closed for business as of 12:01 a.m. this morning.

I attended with my girlfriend Tammy Nelson, a long-time employee of the Minnesota Department of Revenue, and some of her coworkers. I shot pictures while I was there. These are some of the scenes I captured.

The Minnesota State Capitol, closed for business.

The Minnesota State Capitol, closed for business.

Protester with an Organize sign.

Protester with an Organize sign.

Protesters at the Minnesota Capitol, June 30, 2011.

Protesters at the Minnesota Capitol, June 30, 2011

Revenue Department special unit investigator Michael Miller addresses the rally.

Revenue Department special enforcement auditor Michael Miller addresses the rally.

There are more photos after the jump.

A small body of counter-protesters also attended.

A small body of counter-protesters also attended.

State employees at the rally try to obscure counter-protesters from view.

State employees at the rally try to obscure counter-protesters from view.

A Minnesota Department of Revenue employee addresses the rally.

A Minnesota Department of Revenue employee addresses the rally.

Proud MAPE union member Tammy Nelson.

Proud MAPE union member Tammy Nelson.

Revenue Department employees show solidarity at the Capitol rally, June 30, 2011.

Revenue Department employees show solidarity at the Capitol rally, June 30, 2011.

Rally at the Capitol, June 30, 2011.

Rally at the Capitol, June 30, 2011.

Michael Miller at the Capitol rally, June 30, 2011

Michael Miller at the Capitol rally, June 30, 2011.


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